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dovetail joint造句

"dovetail joint"是什么意思  
  • Secret mitre dovetail joint
  • Through dovetail joint
  • Single dovetail joint
  • First , the theory of fretting wear and studies on fretting fatigue were introduced and the parametric method was used in the process of creating the model of dovetail joints in ug software . the elastic contact problem is analyzed in finite element method ( fem ) and is used to the parameters " distribution and contact stress of the joint are obtained on the base of ansys code . with the effect factor of load frequency , the prediction method of fretting fatigue life of dovetail joint under low and high / low cycle complex load is proposed
  • It's difficult to see dovetail joint in a sentence. 用dovetail joint造句挺难的
如何用dovetail joint造句,用dovetail joint造句dovetail joint in a sentence, 用dovetail joint造句和dovetail joint的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。